Rigid pavement can be constructed with contraction joints,
expansion joints, doweled joints, no joints, temperature steel, continuous
reinforcing steel, or no steel. Most generally, the construction requirements
concerning these options are carefully chosen by the owner or the public entity
that will be responsible for future maintenance of the pavement.
The types of joints and the amount of steel used are chosen in
concert as a strategy to control cracking in the concrete pavement. Often, the
owner specifies the construction requirements but requires the designer to take
care of other details such as intersection jointing details and the like. It is
imperative that a designer understand all of these design options and the role
each of these plays in concrete pavement performance.
The category of rigid pavements can be further broken down into
those with joints and those without. Jointed reinforced concrete pavement
(JRCP) and jointed plain concrete pavement (JPCP) are the two basic types of
jointed concrete pavement.
Continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) has no joints.
JRCP is designed for maximum joint spacing permitting cracking between joints
and requires temperature steel. JPCP is designed for no cracking between
joints; thus, joint spacing is minimized and temperature steel is eliminated.
Historically, many jointed pavements were constructed without dowelled joints.
Past performance of un-doweled jointed pavements with the exception of warm,
dry climates or low-volume roadways has been poor.
Where there are more than a few trucks per day, dowels should be
considered at contraction joints. However, low-volume roadways that do not
carry significant trucks, such as residential streets, may perform
satisfactorily without doweled joints.
Jointed Rigid Pavement
Jointed rigid pavements tend to crack at 13 to 25 ft. (4 to 8 m)
lengths due to the following reasons:
- initial shrinkage after placement as excess water evaporates,
- temperature-induced expansion and contraction resisted by friction with the subgrade,
- curling and warping caused by temperature and moisture differences between the top and bottom of the slab,
- load induced stresses.
As slabs contract as a result of seasonal temperature changes,
cracks form and widen, or formed joints widen, allowing in-compressible
materials into the cracks or joints. Subsequently, expansion is hindered and
pressure is built up in the pavement.
This pressure can result in pressure spalling or even blowups. To
control this, partial depth saw cuts are made at regular intervals which induce
concrete to crack at these locations. The timing and depth of these saw cuts
are critical to ensure that the pavement cracks at the controlled location. Saw
cuts should be made as soon as the pavement can support the weight of the saw
and operator. The saw cuts should be made at a depth of one-third of the slab
thickness for longitudinal joints, and one-fourth of the slab thickness for
transverse joints. These saw cuts are then sealed with some type of joint
sealer to prevent intrusion of incompressible. If the saw cut interval (joint
spacing) is short enough, intermediate cracks are eliminated. If longer
intervals are used, intermediate cracks will form.
Load transfer is the critical element at joints and cracks. In un-doweled,
un-reinforced pavements, any load transfer must be provided by aggregate
Aggregate interlock is lost when slabs contract and the joints or cracks open up. Also, interlock is slowly destroyed by the movement of the concrete as traffic passes over. Given large temperature variations and heavy trucks, aggregate interlock is ineffectual, and faulting is the primary result.
To provide load transfer at the joints, dowels are used which allow for expansion and contraction. Figure 1 illustrates a typical doweled joint with saw cut and joint seal. Figure 2 shows a similar joint without the dowel to provide load transfer.
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Figure 1: Typical contraction joint in rigid pavement with dowel for positive load transfer. Conversion: 1 in. = 25.4 mm. |
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Figure 2: Typical contraction joint in rigid pavement without dowel for load transfer. Conversion: 1 in = 25.4 mm. |
Where a long joint spacing is used and intermediate cracks are
expected, steel reinforcement is added to hold the cracks tightly closed
(JRCP). This allows the load transfer to be accomplished through aggregate
interlock without the associated problems described above. Contraction joints
do not provide for expansion of the pavement unless the same amount of contraction
has already taken place. This contraction will initially be from shrinkage due
to concrete curing. Later changes in the pavement length are due to temperature
Where fixed objects such as structures are placed in the pavement,
the use of an expansion joint is warranted. Expansion joints should be used
sparingly. The pavement will be allowed to creep toward the expansion joint,
thus opening the adjacent contraction joints. This can cause movement in the
adjacent contraction joints in excess of their design capabilities and result in
premature failures. Figure 3 shows a detail for a typical expansion joint.
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Figure 3: Typical expansion joint in rigid pavement with ASTM D6690 type II joint seal. Conversion: 1 in = 25.4 mm. |
The design of reinforcing steel is a function of seasonal
temperature change, subbase friction, and the weight of the slab. Inadequate reinforcing
will not be able to hold the cracks together, and faulting will result. The
amount of reinforcing needed to hold cracks together is traditionally
calculated using a relationship based on the friction between the subgrade and
the bottom of the slab. This relationship assumes that for a crack to open
enough to fail the aggregate interlock, the slab will have to slide along the
subbase. The current AASHTO recommendation is based on this traditional
approach (Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials, 1993).
The relationship can be expressed as follows:
- As = area of steel required, in2/ft of width (mm2/mm)
- W = weight of slab, lb/ft2 (MPa)
- F = coefficient of resistance between slab and subgrade (1.5 unless otherwise
- known)
- L = length of slab, ft (mm)
- fs = allowable stress in steel, lb/in2 (MPa)
Although these relationships are accepted by most leading
authorities and are referred to in almost every reference on the subject, it is
important to understand that they make many assumptions about physical
quantities that are seldom consistent throughout a length of pavement. For
instance, the friction factor can be affected by something as insignificant as
a large footprint in the base course prior to paving.
Additionally, the environment can play an important role as water
and salt erode the steel, thus reducing the sectional area of the steel.
Where reinforcement is not desired, slab lengths must be chosen so
that intermediate transverse cracks are eliminated. The most current theory
used to determine allowable slab lengths involves a very old concept developed
by Dr. H. M. Westergaard.
Westergaard defined a constant called the radius of relative
stiffness as an algorithm that relates the modulus of subgrade reaction to the
flexural stiffness of the slab. Research indicates that cracking can be
expected when the ratio between the slab length and the radius of relative
stiffness is greater than 5. The radius can be calculated from the following equation
(Federal Highway Administration Technical Advisory T 5040.30, November 30,
where - l = radius of relative stiffness, in (mm)
- E = modulus of elasticity of concrete, lb/in2 (MPa)
- h = pavement thickness, in (mm)
- k = modulus of subgrade reaction, (lb/in2)/in (MPa/mm)
- v = Poisson’s ratio (0.15)
Continuously Reinforced Rigid Pavement
As the name implies, continuously reinforced concrete (CRC) pavement is a rigid pavement constructed with continuous longitudinal reinforcement. No transverse joints are installed. Instead, the pavement is allowed to develop random transverse cracks, and the steel reinforcement holds the cracked sections together.
The size and spacing of the cracks are influenced by the percentage of reinforcing steel used. Current practice calls for 0.6 to 0.7 percent of the slab cross-section area. The design of the reinforcement is covered in the AASHTO Pavement Design Guide. The thickness of the slab is determined the same way as for other concrete pavements.![]() |
Continuously Reinforced Rigid Pavement Reinforcement Mesh |